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fly gal ..Lilian Mbabazi

Written By Unknown on Friday 28 March 2014 | 00:40

Lilian is a fly gal in a fly zone doing what she loves best; being a mother , on air personality and an artist with a killer voice is her way of life.

1. Describe yourself in five words:
Mother artist outgoing emotional passionate

 Asante is such an adorable boy. Very unique name brief us on how and why you chose that name.
I chose that name because I was “thankful” for the blessing and the opportunity that motherhood brings. It’s an indescribable feeling of joy and so many other emotions all wrapped into one.

It's been a long ride as a solo artist. What has the experience been like and what have you learnt so far.
Being a solo artist is very different to being in a group. You can’t hide behind anyone or lean on anyone. It’s all on you. So I have had to really work hard and focus on perfecting my craft. I've learnt that being a solo artist is extremely fulfilling and allows me to be more in control creatively when it comes to the type of music I want to put out. And I have also learnt to trust my instincts more and believe in my talent.

The Ugandan music industry seems to be at its peak with lots of artists. Where do you think this industry is headed?
Hopefully it hasn't peaked yet. I think there’s a lot more to come from the Ugandan music industry. There’s plenty of talent yet to be discovered. Ugandan artists are beginning to get the recognition they deserve outside of East Africa and that can only be a good thing.

'' Danger. Love letter'' is a catchy song. What is the story behind it?
It’s a song about a girl who has a crush on a guy and she decides to write him a love letter explaining how she feels about him

 I did notice a house twist in the track ''kawa'' as compared to your other songs. Fill us in on that.
I wanted my first single as a solo artist to make a statement about the kind of music I want to make and say something about me as an artist. I don’t want to be put in a box went it comes to musical styles and defined as this or that so I knew that ‘Kawa’ would help me achieve that. When I was in the studio recording it with Onoh and DJ Global from Market Makers I knew we had something special, something that hadn't really been done in Uganda.

 How do you cope with hosting a radio show, your music and playing yummy mummy?
Ha ha ha yummy mummy indeed. Sometimes it gets crazy but on the whole I manage to juggle all three. I’m lucky I have very understanding bosses at Radio City who appreciate that my music is important to me. And of course my son is my number one priority anything that involves him comes first.

 Brief us in on some of your most memorable moments as a solo artists.
I got the chance to perform and share the stage with Oliver Mutukudzi and other fantastic African artists at the Umoja festival in Mozambique last year that was amazing. Recording my first solo video ‘Kawa’ was also a pretty special moment for me and performing live with my band the Sundowners is also a highlight for me every time. My band is amazing. We performed at the Nite of 1000 laughs that was a lot of fun.

With all the fierce and ambitious ladies in the Ugandan music circle. Who would you consider a threat?
I don’t consider any of the female artists threats. There’s room for all of us to do what we do. Music for me is not about competition.

 Celeb crash from any part of the world. Would be??
Idris Elba

 Who is your musical inspiration and why?
I get inspiration for my music from many sources. My son is a major source of inspiration. What I’m going through in my life also inspires the lyrics in a lot of my songs. Obviously other artists like Whitney Houston (RIP), Mariah Carey, Lauryn Hill, Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, Michael Jackson, Miriam Makeba there are so many I can’t list them all

Who is Lillian’s favorite artist and why?
Christina Aguilera. I love her voice. The power of it. Her near perfect pitch. Her voice moves me.

You have a record of being a good performer. What do you think about when on stage?

Everything and nothing. It’s such a rush of adrenaline on stage it’s hard to pin point one particular thing but obviously I’m thinking about giving my best performance, trying to make sure I don’t fall LOL or forget the lyrics. Wondering if the audience is enjoying themselves.

What embarrassing songs might we find on your iPod?
Ha ha ha that’s my secret. I’ll never tell

Do you play any instruments?
No but I really want to learn how to play the piano and the guitar

What music genre can’t you stand listening to?
Heavy metal

Are you married, single, committed or taken?

What does Lillian do for fun?
The same as most people I think. Play with my son. Hang out with friends and family. Listen to music. Go out for drinks with friends. Watch movies and series. The usual

 When was the last time you told a lie and how often do you do it?
I never lie. LOL

 What should we expect from Uganda's sweetheart?
That’s a new one. Since when have I been Uganda’s sweetheart? LOL I’m just working on finishing my album, so that’s priority number one. More music. Collaborations with other African artists. More live performances/shows with my band the Sundowners

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