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Keko: Africa's Rap Queen

Written By Unknown on Tuesday 11 February 2014 | 04:17

Meet Keko Africa's down to earth rap queen and  get to know how she stays at the peak in the game....

What does your name Keko mean?
 Keko means early in the morning in japadhola a tribe from eastern Uganda.

How would you briefly describe Keko?
Musical, passionate, determined, confident, humble.

What type of music do you like?
 House, dance, Trance, rave..

How do you describe Rap?
Rap is a form of expression or communication among youths, more and more are using it to speak out as a voice and just like music, it is a universal language.

Where do you derive the inspiration for your music?
 Life is my greatest influence. If you stopped and looked around, you'd find that there's a lot to draw from.

Does this music relate to you in anyway?
Yes. My life and all the experiences I encountered along the way. Be it in the club or at a funeral.

Mention a song or two I would find on your iPod on repeat.
Youssou Ndour_ Old man & Angelique Kidjo _Agolo

Are you dating, single, married?
Dating but married to music. Lol.

What’s the best thing about your music and tell me a little about Alwoo the song.
Working with a producer that understands to vision and direction of a song I am working on makes life easier as a writer. Alwoo's inspiration was a combo of real life situations I had gone through and what I had seen other people go through.

Do you ever get nervous before hitting the stage?
Stage fright nooooo way in fact the bigger the better, I only get the butterflies minutes before I hit the stage.
 Talk about rap’s future in East Africa.
In the future, with unity and oneness, I see rap being the headlining genre for generations to come.
How do you keep it together as Africa’s Rap Queen?
 African rap queen is my way of saying I am the best at what I do, how I know to do it. I believe if I do not want to be the best I shouldn't do it to begin with. Humbly meaning it all comes from within.:)

A word for any aspiring females wanting to join the game?
 Stay true to you, do you, learn, work hard and keep believing, keep dreaming.

Who’s your best rapper at the moment or who would you consider a threat?
 Threat? To be honest I am never peeking through the neighbors gate, I am my own worst enemy, if I stop trying to better myself I become a threat to my progress and success there from.

We can’t get enough of your flow wats wat?
 More heat, lol, the kitchen is getting hotter, Kekonians are getting hungrier and the chef is working twice as hard to deliver the best meal to feed them with, new singles and the long awaited debut album coming real soon.

Watch out for Keko…..The queen is on the throne!

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