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Experiencing the power of Art

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 12 February 2014 | 04:47

WillKay instantly transforms the world of art into reality with everything around him.

Willkay has produced timeless art and we took a moment to reflect on the experience from his magical hands.

What is willkay all about?
 Willkay is about doing what he wants in art and showcasing it to the world.
 What type of art do you do?
 I do all types of art; the most general one is drawing.
 Where did the inspiration come from and on the usual, where does it come from? Inspirations come from the influence of things I see in everyday life, music and being creative everyday of my life.
 Did you take any art classes?
 I went to art school for a year, Central St Martins. On the other hand, all my skills have been developed by my self.
 Tell us about your first artwork. What was the feeling like?
My art has been changing for a number of years but I have kept my traditional style of black and white. I create work when I am not good mood, or when I am happy. Exciting I should say.Dont we all love the work of our hands?

 Tell us of any funny experience regarding your work.
I have once been called ‘some kind of outsider’ .What ever that means.lol
 In your opinion which is the hardest step in creating a master piece?
 The hardest step in creating a master piece is you never know when you are. So keep just making art.

 Have you ever thought of stepping out of your comfort zone and trying another art genre?
 Yes, I have, in good time; my saga has a twist in it.
 While working. What does creativity mean to you?
It’s the freedom to do what ever you like; you’re the king or god of what you do.
Which is your favorite piece amongst your creations? 
I would have to say ‘Ocean’ from my Symptoms of Peace’ collection coming soon.
 Does you artwork portray something? Is there a message in each piece?
 Yes. I express what I am thinking of or how I feel in my work. I always have massages in my name, even the names that I give the projects that I am doing.
 What are you working on at the moment?
I am working on four major projects that will debut worldwide; they are all different but still have a Willkay touch to them.

When you’re not busy with art. What does willkay do?
 Graphic design and art directing, they keep me knowing about the modern world and people. 
What would people be surprised to learn about you?
 I am a very random character
 What else should we know about you and your work?
 There is no, rules, I am here to influence the world.
 A perfect setting to work. Describe it.
 A wide range music collection on an iPod, white room with glass table complimented with comfortable chair, cut  different images that I source stuck on the wall, a desktop apple computer, acrylic paints, watercolor paints , all size brushes, pencils marker pens, acrylic paper and water mark paper.
What is the public's reaction to your work?
Sick! Amazing! Wow! Impressive! Mad! In love! Casual genius!
 What would you consider the most difficult thing to create art wise?
 Nothing to be honest, there is no limit.

 Where do you see yourself going with this?
Building an empire and legacy.
What is the most important tool when working your magic?
My mind, dreams, no one can give you that.
 An aspiring artist is reading; a word of advice.
Keep making art and do not give up.

Catch a glimpse of this outstanding work by Willkay on: www.oddkingndom.co.uk twitter: @oddkingdom , instagram: willkay_oddking

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