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Art @ it's best

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 12 February 2014 | 06:34

Jona Kagimba is one that draws precious humor.....Cartoons!


Here are the details on the funny reality in the life of a cartoonist and the blossoming of the art of humor.


Cartoons are a joy to everybody. Describe your drawing routines.
I really love drawing cartoons...I am drawing almost all the time...even in my head...i can simply look at someone and imagine them as a cartoon so the next time I get a pencil and paper i do it...when I am watching movies, hanging out with friends I am always thinking about cartoons/illustrations and how I am going to do the next one.

What drew you to cartoons and not any other foam of art?
I have always loved cartoons. Like most people I grew up watching them. When I was young I re-watched cartoons like Lion king and Aladdin so many times that I could draw them off head without reference to any image. My older brother is also an artist and so is my Dad so i grew up drawing and i was encouraged by the fact that other people in the family were setting the bar high. I always felt the need to get better. Though I wouldn't say cartooning moved me from the other forms of art, I'm a graphic designer by profession and cartoon is simply one of my many skills :-) 

What really gets your creativity going?
My inspiration for cartoons and illustrations comes from movies and tv .I could be watching batman and then think to myself, “I should draw something in relation to this movie". I also like drawing cartoons to illustrate something that happened like in the news or on the social scene.

Describe your perfect working environment
My perfect working environment for working on cartoons is home. I'm alone most of the time so i get to work without destruction. I also play a lot of video games and get inspiration from there as-well

What's the most difficult subject you've ever had to work on?
Drawing a girl, ladies are never contented with their illustrations...hehehe. So I have to be very careful when drawing girls to avoid offence off course.

Name two of your favorite cartoonists.
My two most favorite cartoonists are Patrick Brown and Jeff Agala. I try to shape my style around theirs.

What's the best part of being a cartoonist?
 I am doing what I love. Not many people get to say they are doing what they dreamed about when they were kids.

Cartooning in Uganda. What's the story and the response from the public?
Cartooning has always been in Uganda. the most popular cartoons are featured in newspaper comic strips, though there have been other forms like the "super strika" comics and more recently "The Guardian" by Brian Humura. Personally I find that Ugandans respond to humor especially humor that relates to things they know like "bad black", "Golola Moses" etc...So when i do anything and want a response from the general public, i do something related to things they know.

When one thinks of cartoons we think humor.how do you personally look at cartooning?
 Like I mentioned before for me cartooning is mostly about humor though there are also
adult cartoons that carry a message with adult humor.

Where can we find your work?

Are there any subjects you don’t cover as a cartoonist or is the world at your feet?
Well as a cartoonist I'm looking to expand into animation. So there is still a lot I have to offer. I'm still young so God willing you will be seeing a lot of my work for many years to come.

What makes one a great cartoonist?
Art is very objective. Some people may say your work is great while others feel its horrible. So i guess with art just like music the only way to be considered great is if your work moves the masses.

Any words for aspiring cartoonists?
My advice for anyone aspiring to be a cartoonist is pick a style and stick to it.... don't try and do too many things at the same time. Just pick one style at a time and practice. 
Jona Kagimba

Jona has certainly hitched his wagon to raising the standards of cartoon artists in East Africa..... as it should be!


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