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Meet the reader

Written By Unknown on Monday 10 February 2014 | 09:41

Hakika Nkya
What book are you reading now?-

 The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene and Joost Elffers .
48 laws of power

What are your favorite genres?

Mystery, suspense, law and romance

Which has been your favorite read of all times?
Rage of Angels

 Rage of Angels by Sidney Sheldon

What did you learn from it?-

I learnt about power (how people can use their money and connections to do what they want or get what they want). I learnt about having determination to succeed, being optimistic, never giving up and to always stand and fight for the truth.

Mention a character in that book you found interesting and why?

Jennifer Parker .She is a young lawyer who entered her career in a positive manner and optimism in her blood. But then many negative things happen and in the long run, many people came along the way that changed her innocent way of thinking.

How do you relate to that book in your daily life?

I could so see myself in this book only that the challenges faced are different. A lot has happened in my life that has always been de-motivating, heart breaking, you feel like you have lost it all and that there is no reason for living anymore. But it’s my optimism and determination to succeed and turn things around to positivity that has made me the person I am today. It has not been easy but I made it. I am sure there is more to come but I have hope.

Who is your favorite author?

Sidney Sheldon and John Grisham

Recommend a book for us to read and give a reason for your recommendation.-

There are a lot of amazing books but at the moment I strongly recommend Rage of Angels .it’s just amazing, it completely blew me away. Every author is so keen on making the leading character a living legend that the tragedy is lost. That is the only emotion that we can relate to best apart from love. Joy is individual, sorrow is universal. Sidney Sheldon has pushed his imagination to the extremes, and finally there is everything in this book that a book needs to be whole.

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