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Meet the reader:

Written By Unknown on Wednesday 12 February 2014 | 05:11

Join the Hisia book club and share with us about your greatest reads and how they have changed you!

Afrika Lu Gola

What book are you reading currently?
Jane Raphaely (unedited)

 Favorite book genre?
Biographies and I'm a bit of a romantic so some novels every now and then when I'm taking a break from the serious world.

 Which has been your best read of all times?
Coco Chanel. Fashion is my life so you must understand that everything I read is somehow connected to the industry.


 What did you learn from it?
That it doesn't matter where you’re from. Through hard work and patience you can make it anywhere in the world.

 How do you relate to that read in your daily life?
It motivates me quite a lot because at the end of the day I am the only person who can make a difference in my life.

Mention a character you found interesting and why you found them interesting.
I come across quite a lot of different characters and on a daily I find myself quoting them or just asking myself, what will so and so do in a situation like this? So I don't think there's anyone specific.

 Recommend a book for us to read and give a reason for your choice?
Herman Mashabas biography. I believe he worked very hard to build something that was unique (at the time) and as a proud South African, he has been through a lot but has never backed down.

 Who is your best author?

Elizabeth Gilbert
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