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This gal is on fire!

Written By Unknown on Monday 10 February 2014 | 06:51

 sassy Sheebah's love for music and dance

We have watched her do what she does best with her former group the Obsessions and seen her as an even  even better  solo  artist...Sheebah dashes out on her love on music,dance ....whats next for her ??

Brief us on your background
 Born on 11th November 1989 at Mulago hospital Uganda. Last born of 5 raised by a single mother. I was a professional dancer at 16(2007) then joined Obsessions in 2008 and left end of 2011 to pursue my solo career...And here I am.

What makes you who you are?
 The uniqueness in the way I do my things, the passion and the strength to stand strong in every circumstance.
Do you get nervous before a performance?
Oh God!! Like it’s my first time, every time. But I calm down after the first 2minutes depending on the crowd. Sometimes am nervous throughout.

 Besides music. What else are you seriously passionate about and how do you balance both passions?
Am very passionate about fashion and dance. I make time for everything. It gets crazy but my team helps out where they can.

Any celeb crashes we should know about?
Yaaah, who doesn't?!...There are so many of them.Michael Ealy, Kendrick Lamar, J.holiday.

Give us a briefing on your take in the music industry currently in East Africa.
 EA has so much talent and am proud to be apart of it, though I think we need heavy backup to take us to the next level along the lines of more genuine Labels to protect artists, In Uganda Copyright is still a big problem.

Who are your musical and non musical influences?
Let’s just say influence by realistic and entertaining musicians.

How does music affect you and the people around you?
Music to me is everything, though some of my family members still believe it’s not worth throwing books away for, they are coming to terms with it.

Tell us about your music and why we should listen to it.
I do urban Dancehall, reggae and afro beat. My music is simple, fun and realistic.

Music has been your claim to fame. What are you doing to sustain it?
 Learning more and working harder.
Currently I am signed with Mtech Distribution co. EA so very soon you will be seeing collaborations with EA's best. So far (goodlyf) Radio&Weasle featured on my single Nkwetaga.already on YouTube can check it out.

What type of artist would you say you are?
A growing artiste for now...the sky is the limit for me by God’s grace off course.

If you hadn't been born in this century. When and where would you be right now?
I would be in the USA in the ‘70s as Tina Turner.lol.

Do you think the public and critics expect too much from you as an entertainer?
 Yes. I think some times they forget we are human and can’t always be perfect at everything.we get angry, hurt, and sometimes disappointed.

What's the side of you that the public has never seen or heard of?
 My family side, the lady in me and when I break down a very emotional person you have no idea!
What or how do you relax?
I listen to Reggae music, Spa, bar with my gals, watch movies and live performances.

What’s the worst lie ever printed about you so far?
Trust me, most of the rumors printed about me aren’t true, it’s annoying. But the one I found funny was some tabloid claiming that am dating an old white man.i have never dated anybody white! Am not a racist but it has just never happened.

Tell us about your style
Simple, fun. I don't follow trends so it’s always exciting.
Married, involved, single or just simply mingling?
 Still single waiting for that person that will understand me for me.

Tell us one moment in your life that you are proudest of.
This is very wired but TRUE. The day I joined and left Obsessions. Am forever proud of those moments.
Sheebah and her dancers at a rehearsal

Which is your least favorite place for a performance?
I hate places with bad sound!!Aarrhhh.It makes my job so hard.

Fashion line, music... what's next for you?
 Am working on the very first dance company in East Africa ;also a simple place where troubled, lost girls can come for guidance, because I know how it feels to talk and have no one hear you out.

Watch out for sheebah….a gal on a mission in East Africa.
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